This study aimed to investigate this behavioral facilitation in the context of a learning paradigm by giving tDCS over rIFG repetitively over four consecutive days of training on a behavioral inhibition task (stop signal task (SST)). Twenty-two participants took part; ten participants were assigned to receive anodal tDCS (1.5 mA, 15 min), 12 were assigned to receive training but not active stimulation. There was a significant effect of training on learning and performance in the SST, and the integration of the training and rIFG-tDCS produced a more linear learning slope. Better performance was also found in the active stimulation group. Our findings show that tDCS-combined cognitive training is an effective tool for improving the ability to inhibit responses. The current study could constitute a step toward the use of tDCS and cognitive training as a therapeutic tool for cognitive control impairments in conditions such as attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or schizophrenia.
I’d be interested in speaking with you about your recruitment procedures, incentives, protocol and the logistics of getting this type of study through an IRB. Also, do you think it’s safe to encourage DIYtDCS at this point? Seems a bit risky from my POV.
Just to clarify… is a place where I (John Humphrey) collect snippets of breaking news around transcranial direct current stimulation. You can click through to the full articles in the links below the snippets. I’m not a scientist or researcher, just a fascinated layman. About the crowdsourced experiment comment I made on Twitter… It’s just that, supposing a DIY community does evolve around a DIY or inexpensive tDCS device. It would seem to me a great opportunity to collect useful data. I’m hoping someone in the field can build a site for administering tests and sorting the data. Something along the line of what Dan Ariely does with his weekly tests or Jonathan Haidt does at I’m not advocating the use of DIYtDCS, although I do intend on acquiring a device and doing some self-experimenting. I’m just observing. DIYtDCS seems to be moving forward on it’s own. Sean if you’d like to discuss this or brainstorm around how to build a site for testing one’s results I’d be happy to. I’m john[at] Hey! What about a podcast?