Can Electrical Stimulation tDCS Enhance Your Brain Performance? Fact Vs. Myth | The ZocDoc Blog

By way of Gareth at this article from ZocDoc makes the case for caution…

Needless to say, tDCS should never be tried at home because of these potential risks. Scientists using tDCS in a laboratory setting have the expertise and high-quality equipment to assure the safety of their participants. They also have equipment like EEG and MRI that can help them localize the appropriate brain region for stimulation, as well as the training to understand how and when tDCS could be safe and effective. If you’re curious about tDCS your best bet is to find a local university that studies tDCS and volunteer for an experiment.

via Can Electrical Stimulation tDCS Enhance Your Brain Performance? Fact Vs. Myth | The ZocDoc Blog.

I must say though, that there seems very little to worry about in the publication abstracts cited in the article. Very well worth reading.
Modulating the brain at work using noninvasive transcranial stimulation.

tDCS polarity effects in motor and cognitive domains: a meta-analytical review.
Interesting…“When the anode electrode is applied over a non-motor area, in most cases, it will cause an excitation as measured by a relevant cognitive or perceptual task; however, the cathode electrode rarely causes an inhibition.”

A systematic review on reporting and assessment of adverse effects associated with transcranial direct current stimulation.
(AE, adverse effects) “Although results suggest that tDCS is associated with mild AEs only, we identified a selective reporting bias for reporting, assessing and publishing AEs of tDCS that hinders further conclusions.”

Efficacy of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation/transcranial direct current stimulation in cognitive neurorehabilitation.